Title: 10,000 Reasons Song Slides
Authors: Jonas Myrin, Matt Redman
Arranger: Randy Gill
Purchase includes this arrangement in downloadable powerpoint slides (Shape notes)
Copyright: 2011 Thankyou Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing)
Said And Done Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing)
sixsteps Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing)
SHOUT! Music Publishing (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing)
Theme(s): Worship, Endless Praise, Faithfulness of God, Singing
Genre: Contemporary worship
Key: E
Tempo: Mid-tempo
Level of Difficulty: Relatively easy
Posted by Unknown on 3rd May 2015
We introduced this song on a Wednesday evening and many of the members commented how much they liked it. We will be using it very soon in our Sunday morning services. Thanks for making songs like this one available for those of us who sing A cappella and use the shaped notes to read music.
Posted by Bill Windsor on 25th May 2014
Ordered the song last week. We just used it tonight in our song service with overwhelming approval. Thanks for making this wonderful song available for use in our worship service. We expect more usage in the years to come.